Mainstream Journal of Law, Diplomacy, Psychology & Social Sciences2024-07-04T16:30:25+00:00Principaleditor@globalmainstreamjournal.comOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>Global Mainstream Journal of Law, Diplomacy, Psychology & Social Sciences (</strong>ISSN:<strong><a href="">2998-3983</a>)</strong> is an open-access, peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary, and online journal. GMJ aims to contribute to the constant scientific research and training, so as to promote research in different fields of basic and applied sciences. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence in all the fields of basic and applied sciences.</p> RIGHT TO NATIONALITY OF THE ROHINGYA REFUGEES AND THE BANGALEES IN BANGLADESH2024-07-04T16:30:25+00:00Sarfaraaj<p>The study contains the human rights condition of the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh in general as well as their human right to nationality in the country in particular. It also contains, on a comparative approach, the human right to nationality of the Bangalees in Bangladesh. Data are collected from both primary and secondary sources and they are analysed systematically for reaching a solution to the problem of nationality of both the peoples, Rohingya and Bangalee. The study wants to create public opinion for the redress of the Rohingya refugees who were compelled to flee to Bangladesh from Myanmar by the government as well as the military of Myanmar.It shows that the right to nationality of the ethnic/cultural and linguistic majority ‘Bangalee’ people of Bangladesh was kept aloof from them for more than three decades. The study explores the governmental and foreign aids to help them sustain, transfer of many of them from Cox’s Bazar to BhasanChar of Noakhali district, and geopolitical issues surrounding the Rohingyas in Myanmar and Bangladesh. It unveils the legal issue relating to nationality and citizenship of the Bangalees as well as the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, which is seldom addressed by lawyers and general readers. It shows the distinction between nationality and citizenship and makes some suggestions to overcome the problem of nationality and citizenship identities of the Bangalees and Rohingyas in Bangladesh as well as in Myanmar.</p>2024-07-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sarfaraaj Mandal