International Journal of Health and Medical 2024-05-01T14:07:58+00:00 Principal Open Journal Systems <p><strong>International Journal of Health and Medical </strong>is an open-access, peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary, and online journal. GMJ aims to contribute to the constant scientific research and training, so as to promote research in different fields of basic and applied sciences. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence in all the fields of basic and applied sciences.</p> ADDRESSING PRIVACY AND ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS IN HEALTH INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (IMS) 2024-05-01T13:48:02+00:00 Md Ashiqur Rahman, Md Majadul Islam Jim, Arfan Uzzaman &Md Mehedi Hasan <p>This paper explores the crucial role of privacy and ethics in Health Information Management Systems (HIMS), addressing the inherent challenges and presenting innovative solutions through detailed case studies. We examine the significant privacy concerns, such as data breaches and unauthorized data sharing, alongside ethical issues like informed consent and equitable access to technology. Effective solutions including the Privacy-Preserving Distributed Analytics (PPDA) model and proactive bioethics committees, as demonstrated by institutions like Vanderbilt University Medical Center, illustrate successful strategies for managing these concerns. The paper emphasizes the importance of prioritizing privacy and ethics not merely as compliance requirements but as foundational elements essential to the trustworthiness and effectiveness of HIMS. It advocates for a continuous, proactive approach to address these issues as technology evolves and regulations change. Furthermore, we call for a collaborative effort among policymakers, healthcare providers, technologists, and patients to develop and refine HIMS that uphold the highest standards of privacy, ethics, and accessibility, thus enhancing the quality of care and health outcomes for all stakeholders.</p> <h1>&nbsp;</h1> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-05-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Health and Medical INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN HEALTH MANAGEMENT: INNOVATIONS AND CHALLENGES IN THE DIGITAL ERA 2024-05-01T14:07:58+00:00 Md Abdul Ahad Maraj, Md Arif Hossain, Siful Islam & Nur Uddin Mahmud Arif <p>Health Information Systems (HIS) are increasingly pivotal in transforming healthcare delivery globally. This paper explores the dual aspects of HIS: the innovative potentials and the challenges they present. We discuss how HIS enhance healthcare management through streamlined data integration, improved diagnostic accuracy, and personalized treatment plans. Despite these benefits, significant challenges such as data security, interoperability, and equitable access persist, posing barriers to the effective implementation of these systems. Through a systematic review of the literature, this study highlights the need for tailored solutions that address these challenges and underscores the importance of collaborative efforts among stakeholders to optimize the use of HIS. We also propose future research directions focused on improving the functionality and inclusivity of HIS to meet global health needs better. The findings suggest that while HIS hold transformative potential, their success is contingent upon overcoming existing hurdles and enhancing system capabilities to support comprehensive health management.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-05-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Health and Medical